7,224 Blog Views??

I started this blog 5 years ago when life was going to hell all around me and I needed an outlet. I like to write, I always have but I never really thought anyone would want to read what I had to say (except my mom of course). I was thinking about my blog today and that I hadn’t written anything in a while, so I logged on and guess what???

My blog has had 7,224 views! Holy smokes! I know that is not a lot, really, but it is for me. I never expected anyone to read my blog it was just something I started for fun. I’m glad people are reading it. One of the things I enjoy the most about this whole facebook/twitter era is that people are blogging. I love reading them because it makes you realize you aren’t alone. Other people are going through the same crap you are. I like reading blogs and thinking “Oh thank god. I thought it was just me!”

I read a lot of blogs about parenting. I think today’s society makes it so that women feel like they need to have it together all the time. You have to have a career, perfect children, do pinterest projects and eat organic foods, have a spotless house and never have a hair out of place. I feel that pressure. It’s pressure we really put on ourselves to be the perfect parent/spouse/career woman. I like reading blogs about moms who don’t have it all together and who struggle with temper tantrums, messy houses, exhaustion and feeling like they have lost themselves somewhere along the way. It makes me feel like we are all really going through the same things and that makes it easier.

I am really going to try to write in my blog more often. It is something I really enjoy whether people read it or not. I know I will have a lot of “mommy posts” since that’s what my life is about right now. But I am hoping to throw some non-child related ones in there as well. 🙂

I hope everyone had great holidays and a wonderful new years!


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